My research is at the intersection of comparative political behavior and public policy, with a substantive focus on immigration and a regional focus on Western Europe. I employ designs to identify causal effects using observational data, methods for text-as-data, as well as machine learning approaches.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. With Rahsaan Maxwell. “Does local context affect asylum seeker integration? County-level data from Germany.” (2023). West European Politics. [Link].
  2. “Journey Effects? Waiting Periods in European Transit Countries and Subsequent Economic Integration of Refugees in Switzerland”. (2022). International Migration Review.[Link]
    • Winner: Prothro Best Paper Award, UNC-Chapel Hill Political Science Department (2020). [Link]
  3. “Does policy threat mobilise? 287(g) and Latino voter registration in North Carolina and Florida”. (2020). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. [Link]

Working Papers & Projects in Progress

  1. With David Attewell and Andreas Jozwiak. “The Electoral Impacts of Immigration without Ethnic Difference: The Case of Co-ethnic Migration in Germany. ” (Revise and Resubmit).
  2. With Rahsaan Maxwell. “Do Hate Crimes Change Native Attitudes Towards Refugees?” (Revise and Resubmit).
  3. With Elias Dinas and Anica Waldendorf. “Horizontal Transmission? Regional Norms and Migrant Acculturation.” (Under Review).
  4. With Kaitlin Alper. “Are Belief Systems Rooted in National Contexts?”. In Progress.